Dennis Knudsen Private – Stimulating Anti Hair Loss Treatment




Pozostałe kosmetyki do włosów 368 Anti Hair Loss Treatment 15 mlDennis Anti Hair Loss Treatment serum helps fight hair loss using the synergistic effects of a combination of prairie chickweed, soy and wheat germ to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Dennis serum also contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on hair follicles, as well as extracts from oyster and caviar.Dennis has also added menthol, which provides a cooling and refreshing sensation.Dennis PRIVATE tip: Shake before use. Massage into scalp once daily. Do not rinse out.For thousands of years, numbers and symbolism have played an important role for many generations. Dennis also believes that numbers can tell you something. The number 368 to give your hair growth, fullness and nourishment to strengthen hair.
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